Shar Pei Poodle mix

December 23, 2016
St bernard german shepherd mix
Older dog with seizures :( ...advice-dscf5604.jpg

Location: Old Town Alexandria

14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times

Reputation: 8647

My older dog had a seizure today, she is okay now, but not much info. online and of course all the vets are closed today.

I kept her calm and comfortable. She is okay now but I worry about her falling/have to lock her out of the dog pen as we have a huge pen with a ramp.

Any advice is appreciated.

822 posts, read 2, 151, 663 times

Reputation: 418

My rescue poodle/bichon had his first seizure at midnite at age 4. He threw up first and stopped breathing and it freaked me after about 90 seconds he calmed down and as I'm getting dressed and checking if the emergency vet is open he finally comes bounding down the hall excited about a car ride. I took him to the vet and he was fine. They said as long as he didn't have one more than once a month not to worry but if more often he could take medication. They also suggested taking a video of him. He did have one about every 6 weeks but they became milder each time. He would always throwup first and it always seemed like he had a Kirkland biscuit before. He also was in Hawaii before the first seizure and got a tick there.

I stopped giving him the Kirkland biscuit and after about two years he stopped having them. I'm not sure if the tick or the buscuit had anything to do with the seizures.

809 posts, read 1, 397, 972 times

Reputation: 1474


Originally Posted by second right

Prior to this incident, have you noticed any head tilt, imbalance, drooping of one side of the face or behavior changes over the last month or so? How old and what breed? If it's a mixed breed can you tell me what you believe your baby is mixed with?

She is mostly shar-pei but with Rottie mixed in. She had eaten her Pedigree food this a.m...I dont give her treats except soft dog food, I am careful with scraps.

here is her pic:

Kimora. Rotti-pei. She is 6 and my dog Sunny lived to be 13, so I'm sad she already has the problem.

Attached Thumbnails
809 posts, read 1, 397, 972 times

Thanks!. She seems to be okay now, and ate and drank water again. Is now playing with Buddha and Corky.

14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times

Originally Posted by second right

Earthfare has a good homeopathic/herbal section.

I bought "Happy Traveler" which is a mixture of:
Valerian, 100mg., Chamomile, L-tryptophan and St John's Wort.
use on P.R.N. basis

It is made for dogs to help also with anxiety, if they are traveling, etc. It worked well for her.

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