World class males
Puppies for sale
All dogs need to be exercised everyday in some form or fashion. The most common method is through the walk around the neighborhood, but is a short walk around the block enough exercise for your particular dog?
- If you ever owned a dog when you were a child, you can probably recall the joy and exhilaration you felt every day, playing with your best buddy. Once you grew up and (assuming you) started a family, you probably wanted your kid(s) to experience the same things that you did. A loving, loyal, fun-loving animal companion is one of the best things in the world.
- Everyone is familiar with sit, down, and come and other similar commands that are standard fare in the general obedience training class. The novice handler might not be familiar with what competitive obedience looks like or realize that it’s really just a continuation of those basic skills.
Recently added pedigrees
Inserted:2 months ago
Female (2453480)
Father: No information about the Sire
Mother: No information about the Dam
Created by Bisevac
Father: No information about the Sire
Mother: No information about the Dam
Created by Cristal Pei
Father: No information about the Sire
Mother: No information about the Dam


shar pei Romania 2010

Criadero Sunside - Cachorros Shar pei

Dog Facelift: operation for nearly blind Shar Pei