Shar pei-pug mix

August 11, 2017
Nelson, an adorable Shar

Location: Old Town Alexandria

14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times

Reputation: 8647

14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times
14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times

Well, color me the non-conformist, but these so called "designer breeds" AKA mutts, are getting to be rather silly at best. Mixing the physical structures of some of these breeds will soon come to light of extreme osteo-health issues.


73 posts, read 334, 430 times

Reputation: 47

14, 506 posts, read 18, 607, 571 times


Originally Posted by cleosmom Well, color me the non-conformist, but these so called "designer breeds" AKA mutts, are getting to be rather silly at best. Mixing the physical structures of some of these breeds will soon come to light of extreme osteo-health issues. Thank you, cleosmom.when it all boils down, someone will find something to breed with the "designer breed", and eventually you will have a good old All American Heinz 57 mutt.

Breed standards are in place for a keep the breeds separate. As cute as it might be, you are bringing dogs together of two entirely different genetic pools and health now you're going to have a dog prone to allergies like the Shar, and whatever issues are known to pugs.

I don't understand people's fascination with the crossbreeding - a labradoodle is a mix, no matter what you call it - a shar-pug is a mixed won't find a either at Westminster. And people are selling these dogs indiscriminately for very high prices. How ridiculous. If you want a Shar Pei, get one. If you want a pug, get one - but don't create more mutts that will eventually end up in a shelter that someone will have to rescue or that could meet a worse fate.

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