When it comes to protecting your home, there are several types of dogs. Some are alert barkers, meaning they will let you know anytime anything moves outside your home that is “not supposed to be there, ” or when someone knocks at the door, rings your bell, etc. Then there are guardian dogs. These breeds will not only let you know there is someone around, they would do something about it. This list mentions the 10 breeds that take guarding your home seriously.
#1 – Giant Schnauzer
The Giant Schnauzer is not only intimating due to its size, but they have a menacing bark and fierce bite.
#2 – Akita
An intelligent and intense breed, the Akita can be very loyal to its owner and very standoffish to strangers. Of course, this is what they were bred for. Like most of these breeds, they need to be well socialized if plan on taking them off your property or want to have people over.
#3 – German Shepherd Dog
Also generally thought of as a “herding” dog, they are actually tenders, meaning they were breed to run the border and keep the flock where they were supposed to be, as well as watch for predators. Very intense and loyal, they will easily attack someone who threatens their home.
#4 – Chow Chow
The Chow Chow’s somewhat iffy reputation comes from the fact that it is a great guard dog. Considering they were once used to guard the great palaces in Asia, it makes sense that they would be temperamental and very protective.
#5 – Kuvasz
Since they were bred to guard livestock, it only makes sense they would be good at guarding your home as well. This protective bred has a sweet nature unless provoked.
#6 – Chinese Shar-Pei
While all those wrinkles may make it look cute and cuddly, the Shar-Pei is a serious family protection dog. They were bred to be the all-round farm dog, running the parameters of the property as a watch dog as well as protecting flocks and killing vermin. Today, they still have a strong desire to protect their family and can be aggressive toward strangers coming into “their home.” (Source: American Kennel Club)
#7 – Doberman Pinscher
The nice thing about having a dobie, is chances are it will never have to attack anyone. Most people see a Doberman and your property and any thoughts of entering are quickly squashed.
#8 – Komondor
Known for the unique cords most people give them, the Komondor is another livestock protection dog that was bred to stay with the flock and protect without the assistance of his owner. They are very “reserved and serious” with strangers, and since they are bred to work alone, you can be assured your home is protected while you are gone. (Source: American Kennel Club)
#9 – Belgian Malinois
This herding dog is intent on making sure no one hurts her family. Their intensity and drive to protect has made them very popular in schulzhund training as well as guard dog work.
#10 – Rottweiler
Like the dobie, the rotty can probably get away with guarding your house just on his looks. Intimidating to look at, the Rottweiler is sweet and easy going with his family. But don’t be fooled, if he feels you are threatening his family, he can turn fierce quickly.

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